IOI 2024
Halberd Cease


IOI 2024 总共两天的比赛日已经在昨天(2024 年 9 月 5 日)落下帷幕。

首先恭喜中国队周康阳以 600.00/600 的满分成绩获得金牌 rank1,强势拉开第二名 123.78 分。

美国队(USA)以团体总分 1693.38 的成绩获得团体总分第一名,IOI_1 队(即俄罗斯代表队,受俄乌战争影响,俄罗斯参赛者无法代表国家参加比赛)和波兰队(POL)分别获得第二和第三名,中国队获得团体总分第 7 名。

在本次 IOI 中,中国队出现了一些特殊事故,导致一名选手成绩被取消,两名选手成绩受影响。因此中国队获得了近 20 年来在 IOI 中的最不理想的成绩。


图:中国队在 2020 年至 2024 年参加 IOI 的成绩。图源:China: Results (

若参考原始分数,中国队今年仍获得 4 块金牌,团体总分 1986.63(超过第一名 293.25 分),且包揽前二。


图:主办方提供的原始得分榜。图源:Ranking (




特别的,知乎上该问题已经成为热门问题(截至撰写本文时已有 2 小时 40 万访问量的峰值访问速率),回答质量参差不齐,不建议作为参考依据,除非保证答主或者来源可信。


如何评价第 36 届国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛(IOI2024)三名中国选手携带手机进考场被处罚? - 知乎 (

IOI 2024 - Codeforces 中的相关讨论内容;

Contest Rules | IOI 2024 Egypt

IOI 2024 (


在 IOI 2024 第二试中,队员 X 在裤子口袋中携带了一台开机的手机。在 X 上厕所时,志愿者发现了其口袋中的手机,并将此事报告给了 IC(组委会)进行处理。

在 IC 得知此事后,IC 与志愿者检查了选手的手机。由于手机处于开机状态,IC 要求选手 X 解锁手机进行检查。在检查完成后,IC 没收了手机,并允许选手正常继续参赛。

在比赛结束后,中国队的领队被 IC 告知了相关情况,并因此检查了中国队的其他三名选手。最终,中国队的四名选手均携带了背包进入考场,且背包直接置于其比赛座位上。且另外两名队员 Y 与 Z 的背包中也包含一台电源关闭的手机。IC 解释到,根据 IOI Contest Rules,任何尝试携带具有计算或通信功能的电子设备均属于作弊行为,因此会进行内部讨论进行处理。

IOI Contest Rules 有关部分:

the following items are strictly prohibited on the competitions:

  • any computing equipment (e.g. calculators, laptops, tablets),
  • any keyboards or mice, with wireless communication or programmable functions whose configuration is retained when unplugged,
  • any books, manuals, written or printed materials,
  • any data storage medium (e.g., CD-ROMs, USB drives, flash cards, micro-drives),
  • any communication devices (e.g., mobile phones, radios of any sort, Bluetooth-enabled devices),
  • watches of any type,
  • any earphones, headphones, microphones and speakers.

最终,在交涉下,IC 与 ISC(科学委员会)共同做出了以下处理结果:

  • X同学在第二试随身携带电源开启的具有通信功能的电子设备,严重违反了比赛规则。该选手被取消参赛资格。
  • Y同学与Z同学在第二试身旁的背包中携带了具有通信功能的电子设备,违反了比赛规则。两名选手该试(Day2)的总成绩被减半。

在 GA 大会(GA meeting,官方措辞如此)上,IC与ISC宣布了该处理决定,并征求 GA 大会的意见。现场存在零星的质疑声音(包括但不限于 “如何证明他们 day1 没带手机” 以及 “为什么是减半”),但最终该处理结果被各方接受。


图:GA 大会讨论内容实拍。图源 IOI 2024 - Codeforces




但是,在 IOI 中,由于参赛选手少(不到 400 个),参赛国家多,一个判罚可能需要经过反复的斟酌。并且,参赛选手不仅代表自己,更代表国家,判罚就更不能仅仅按照规则来,否则可能造成恶劣的国际影响。事实上,如果你仔细阅读过规则,你会发现整个规则中并没有写明对于参赛者违规的处罚方案,即使在专门的作弊(Cheating)章节中,也只提到可能会取消参赛资格(Violating any of the following rules is considered cheating, and may result in disqualification)。以上几种原因,决定了判罚只能由 IC 和 ISC 进行讨论和表决后公布。

那么处理问题的过程是否合理呢?或者说 IC 和 ISC 的人员是否有主观因素?

根据 Qingyu 的描述,在 IC 和 ISC 组织会议研讨的时候,没有公开当事人的国籍。但是依然不排除 IC 和 ISC 的工作人员知道此事的可能,因此主观因素不可避免。

同时 GA 大会的照片内容(见上)显示,在进行 GA 表决时,没有公开国籍和当事人姓名,仅用 XYZ 来代替姓名。因此在排除与会者提前知道当事人国籍的情况下,处理选手问题的过程是完全合理合规的。

如果你要问我 IC 和 ISC 的人要是知道了怎么办,我也没法说,因为我也不知道。


我个人认为本次处理结果较轻,如果是我做出判决的话,我会判 3 个 dq(disqualification,失格,可以理解为取消参赛资格) 外加取消中国队集体成绩资格。


携带通讯设备进入考室(competition rooms)本就是违规行为,并且其实 Contest Rules 中有明确规定。

Contest Rules 中 Supplies 章节的内容:

In the competition room, blank paper, writing tools, Clarification Request Forms, snacks and water will be provided. On the competition days, contestants may not bring anything into the competition rooms, except for the following items under the proviso that they cannot transmit or store any data in electronic or printed or other written format (other than the purpose for which they have been designed):

  • clothing,
  • reasonable jewelry,
  • ID badge (provided by the IOI organizing committee),
  • writing utensils,
  • USB keyboards and mice (with no wireless communication and no programmable functions whose configuration is retained when unplugged),
  • mouse pads,
  • small mascots,
  • English dictionaries,
  • snacks,
  • medicine and medical equipment,
  • earplugs and earmuffs.

Bringing items with the exception of clothing, jewelry, and ID badge into the competition room requires prior approval from the Technical Committee. A contestant must submit these items by leaving them in a designated container provided by the technical committee on their workstation during the Practice Competition.

As soon as the practice competition is over, the technical committee will check the submitted items. If there are rejected items, the delegation leader of the contestant will be notified and they are allowed to resubmit replacements. The approved items will be kept by the technical committee and given to the contestants at the start of each competition day. However, during the contest, the technical committee may decide to remove any of these approved items if they deem that the item’s usage is disruptive to other contestants during the contest.

After the first competition day is over, a contestant must leave the submitted items in the same designated container provided by the technical committee on their workstation if they want to continue using these items on the second competition day. Contestants are allowed to submit new items or replacements during the time of analysis for the first competition day, to use them on the second competition day.

At the end of the practice contest and the first competition day, any unsubmitted items left on the contestants’ workstation will be cleared and not returned to the contestants. Hence, contestants should take all items with them at the end of the practice contest and each competition day.

At the end of the second competition day, contestants should take all the submitted items with them.

Any attempts to bring any other items unlisted above into the competition rooms are considered cheating. In particular, the following items are strictly prohibited on the competitions:

  • any computing equipment (e.g. calculators, laptops, tablets),
  • any keyboards or mice, with wireless communication or programmable functions whose configuration is retained when unplugged,
  • any books, manuals, written or printed materials,
  • any data storage medium (e.g., CD-ROMs, USB drives, flash cards, micro-drives),
  • any communication devices (e.g., mobile phones, radios of any sort, Bluetooth-enabled devices),
  • watches of any type,
  • any earphones, headphones, microphones and speakers.

Regarding snacks, note that host organizing committee will provide all contestants with some amount of snacks. In cases when a contestant would still like to bring in snacks, they should make sure that the snacks are not noisy or smelly, and are not disturbing for other contestants in any other way. In case of complaints from other contestants during the contest, the snack might be removed.

Any electronic or printed materials provided by the organizers during a competition round may be used by the contestants (e.g., a Users Guide to the Contest System, or any electronic documentation or reference manuals provided in the installed contest environment or on the provided grading system).

Contest Rules 中严格规定了能带入考场与无法带入的东西的种类,注意到通信设备属于“严禁携带物品”(strictly prohibited on the competitions),那么所有违反了的参赛者不论是否使用都应该被判做作弊(cheating),这个也在 Rules 中明确写了。



在上文引用的 Supplies 章节的内容中,所有的带入物品均需报备。而中国队每位参赛者都携带了包(bags)入场,理应均被判作弊,但是我觉得只处理 3 位参赛者是正确的,原因见后。


在 Contest Rules 中最上方部分明确写出领队有义务确保所有队员都充分了解这些规则并遵守它们(Delegation Leaders have the responsibility to ensure that all members of their delegation fully understand these rules and abide by them),而领队显然没有做好这一工作。



Supplies 章节规定了主办方要收集选手申请带入考场的物品清单并且审核,但是看这个样子大包小包都提进去了应该是主办方脑子出了点问题。





大型考试前多玩手机因为 zak 手机没电了放在酒店充电然后逃过一劫最后获得满分 rank 1(逃